Off-Season Training

CPC Off-Season Spring Training – 2023

Note: We are limited for space this season so we will be capping the registrations; Current program members can begin registration via email now and we’ll open up to non-program players and the public starting on 3/13. Please email to be put on a waiting list.
So, your select feeder season has come to an end. What next? Why, off-season training of course!
The CPC Girls Select Basketball program will be offering an “off-season” training option organized and run by Coach Kaili Hilliard and supported by some of our program coaches. It’s designed for any girls in 2nd to 8th grade to participate. You do not need to be part of the CPC select program. You do not need to be enrolled at a CPC school. If your commitment level is low due committments to other sports, no problem! We have several multi-sport athletes in this program so don’t let that be a limiting factor. Just come out and train/play what you can. If your commitment level is high, great – you’ll reap the benefit of extra training and will be ready to rock come tryouts next October! We mainly want to make sure that our players have an opportunity to get into the gym this off-season and also introduce other players to our select program. Most importantly, we don’t want the basketballs to be put down at the end of March and not picked up again until next September. Don’t do that! The gym is open…coaches are here…come to work, train to improve, and have fun with your basketball buddies!
  • March 20th through June 17th


  • 2nd-4th Grade: Monday & Thursday 7-9 pm
  • 5nd-8th Grade: Tuesday & Thursday 7-9 pm
  • Open Gym for Grades 2nd-8th; Saturdays 10am to Noon.
  • CPC Bothell Campus – AUX gym
Cost: – All proceeds go to the CPC Girls Select Basketball program.
  • $175 for all grades
  • Cash – Find Mike or Katie at a training session
  • Check – payable to CPC Girls Select Basketball
  • Venmo – @CPCGirlsSelectBasketball
If interested please email ( with your player’s name and grade.

Other training programs for the off-season or year-round: